John Wright

John Wright

John has been a Sailor, Soldier, Industrial Chemist, Chemical Engineer, Environmental Scientist, Management Project Consultant, Vocational Educator, Broadcaster and Author. He married his Gypsy sweetheart (Kate) and together they travelled Australia as she told the stories of her people. John recorded their adventures on the road and here he learnt other skills: chauffeur, security officer and booking agent to name a few.
Today, he lives with his Gypsy wife, close to their family in NSW where he continues to write.

Education: B.Ed., Dip. T., Dip. Ind. Chem., Dip. Env., Eng. MIET., MTechI

Publications by John Wright:
- The Gypsy Ribbon

Children's Books:
- Simon, The Singing Honeyeater
- Walter, The Hairy Nosed Wombat
- Harry, The Hotchi Witchi

-  A Textbook, articles, and numerous scientific papers